East Side Jets

1987 Season Report

The Preseason went well for the East Side Jets first ever season, winning 6-0 against Aldergrove Hawks, and then 7-2 against Bangor Buccaneers in their home debut with a fourth quarter touchdown from Mark Dunwoody.

In their first Regular Season game, however, they came up against IAFA Champions from 1986, the Belfast Blitzer, who ran up the score 92-0, and the in their second week they were overwhelmed 58-0 by Shamrock Bowl Champions the previous year, Craigavon Cowboys.

The Jets never recovered after that, and the 9 points they scored against the Belfast Blitzers were to be the only ones they would score all season. They folded after 6 of 10 games, although a match against the Jordanstown Jaguars was overturned in their favour after the Jaguars also pulled out.


[4] BBC Sport NI Facebook (2020) Post to Page by Andrew C. Hynds, July 25, 2020[Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/110331995_10207676407903700_6075498231333887780_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=VOFw2CPJYmgAX9D9GUf&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=97080de1e6cee4dca8af94992838b196&oe=5F72CA3D [Accessed 30 August 2020]


[1] Britball Now (2016) Results Section [1987] [Internet] Available from: http://www.britballnow.co.uk/history-index/results-section.html [Accessed 23 March 2017]

[2] Britball Now (2016) East Side Jets [Internet] Available from: http://www.britballnow.co.uk/History/Britball%20Teams/EastSideJets.htm [Accessed 18 July 2018]


[3] Anon. (1986) “The Jets learn to be mean”Belfast Telegraph. Wednesday, December 10, 1986. pg. 9 [Internet] Available online at the Irish Newspaper Archive at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service.

[4] Anon. (1987) “Successful start by Belfast Jets”Belfast Telegraph. Tuesday, March 17, 1987. pg. 21 [Internet] Available online at the Irish Newspaper Archive at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service.

[5] Anon. (1986) “American Football”Belfast Telegraph. Monday, April 27, 1987. pg. 29 [Internet] Available online at the Irish Newspaper Archive at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service.

[6] Anon. (1986) “Cowboys run riot”Belfast Telegraph. Monday, May 18, 1987. pg. 23 [Internet] Available online at the Irish Newspaper Archive at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service.


[7] Anon. (1986) “Don Bird…in full flight”Belfast Telegraph. Wednesday, December 10, 1986. pg. 9 [Internet] Available online at the Irish Newspaper Archive at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service.


Thanks to Niall Brennan.


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 22 May 2020

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2020

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.

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